
понедельник, 24 июля 2017 г.

Best Testosterone Boosters

Best Testosterone Boosters
Discover The Very Best Testosterone Boosters

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There are so many different testosterone boosters on the market, which one do you get? You naturally want to use a T Booster that is going to give you not only great results, but ideally results in a shorter space of time.

There are a variety of factors for you to understand and consider before choosing a testosterone booster. We have a set of guidelines that we use to rank and score test boosters that we share with you below (after our recommendations).

Our Top 3 recommendations are the result of many hours of market and scientific research & comparative analysis. They have separated themselves from the hundreds of test boosters on the market, and they are definitely the cream of the crop.

Frankly, you can’t go wrong with any of these three products, and all three will produce dramatic and powerful results! However, depending on your current situation and needs, one could be more well suited for you over another.

Key Factors We Use To Rate Test Boosters

It's important to note that we consistently used the same key factors and guidelines below to rank and rate all of the testosterone boosters we have analyzed and reviewed.

Our 5 Key Rating Factors For Testosterone Booster Reviews

Product Reviews & Customer Testimonials– another important aspect in analyzing any product, but especially test boosters, is to evaluate what the market and real customers are saying about the product. If a product is making claims that it’s not living up to, market reviewers and customers will let you know. We do our best to compare our review findings with other independent market reviews and then layer on top of that real customer feedback.

Price– it’s an important factor as there have been a rise of free trials popping up around the internet over the past few years. We would recommend anyone to stay away from free trials. You tend to not get anything for free and these companies WILL usually rebill your card. It is often hard to cancel the charges and therefore you end up spending hundreds on poor quality supplements. If you are looking for serious results then you need to be prepared to spend some money, because you often get what you pay for. We have analyzed the market and know which prices are competitive and which ones aren’t

Scientifically Proven Testosterone Boosting Ingredients

In our extensive research and analysis, the following ingredients have proven to be the best testosterone boosting ingredients with the most scientific research and evidence behind them supporting how powerfully effective they are at increasing testosterone levels.

If you're in need of a testosterone booster, and you're evaluating some different options, use the list of proven ingredients below as the basis to make a determination. Make sure that any T booster you're seriously considering has at least 5 of the ingredients below as a minimum.

  • Vitamin D3
  • Mucuna Pruriens
  • D-Aspartic Acid
  • Ginseng
  • Zinc
  • Fenugreek
  • Vitamin B6
  • Boron
  • Ashwagandha
  • Luteolin
  • Selenium
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B Complex
  • Oyster Extract

best testosterone booster ingredients

Best Test Boosting Ingredients In Depth

Vitamin D3

The connection between testosterone and Vitamin D is well studied and documented. The simple truth of the matter is that men with low Vitamin D levels also suffer from low testosterone levels as well and the visa versa is true as well. Dr. Lonnie Lowery does an excellent job in this video explaining the Vitamin D-to-Testosterone connection.

Recommended dosage levels between 3,000 IU - 5,000 IU

Mucuna Pruriens is fast becoming one of the most sought after ingredients in the T boosting world due to the fact that it is so effective at increasing testosterone (and also human growth hormone). It does this because it’s a natural source of L-Dopa which is a direct precursor to dopamine. Dopamine increases testosterone by decreasing prolactin secretion. Mucuna is also a very powerful anti-cortisol ingredient. Chronic and extended cortisol production is one of the biggest killers of testosterone.

Recommended dosage levels between 250 mg - 400 mg

D-Aspartic Acid is one of the foundational test boosting ingredients in the Prime Male formulation. The science behind D-Aspartic acid is that it is a catalyst for increased testosterone production by increasing luteinizing hormone (LH) which is the first step in signaling the body to increase testosterone production. What’s so encouraging about D-Aspartic Acid is that studies like this one show that it can increase testosterone and LH by over 45% in just 13 days time!

Recommended dosage levels between 1600 mg - 3000 mg

Ginseng is a very well-known herb. Its used a lot in different male enhancement products. Studies have shown that it helps to dramatically increase the body’s ability at producing testosterone. Ginseng is also said to help raise adrenaline and the hormone adrenocorticotropic. Low levels of these cause a decrease in testosterone, Ginseng helps prevent that.

Recommended dosage levels between 100 mg - 300 mg

We know that increasing luteinizing hormone leads to increasing testosterone production, and that’s where the power of Zinc comes in. Zinc is very effective at increasing LH which then increases T levels. It also decreases estrogen production by decreasing aromatase activity in your body.

Recommended dosage level with a minimum of 10 mg but prefer closer to 40 mg

Studies show that Fenugreek has a strong anti-estrogenic effect in men, and we know that estrogen is a testosterone killer for us men, particularly as we get into our mid to late 30’s and beyond.

Recommended dosage level with a minimum of 100 mg

Vitamin B6

It has been shown to be an excellent precursor to testosterone production by stimulating the androgen receptors. The other excellent benefit of B6 is that it is an ingredient that maximizes the body’s absorption rate of the other potential testosterone boosting ingredients in a formulation.

Recommended dosage level with a minimum of 5 mg

This ingredient has been shown to generate more free T hormone by up to 28%! Not only that, but it has also been shown to reduce the testosterone killer, estrogen, by up to a whopping 39%!

Recommended dosage level with a minimum of 5 mg

Ashwagandha appears to have a plethora of health benefits include reducing stress, cortisol levels, anxiety and inflammation. In addition to those, it also has been shown to improve sperm quality and boost testosterone. (study)

Recommended dosage level with a minimum of 300 mg (500 mg - 1000 mg is preferred)

Blocking the production of estrogen is a key component in the Prime Male ingredients strategy because estrogen kills testosterone, and an overabundance of it in a man’s body can have some serious negative health consequences and side effects. Luteolin is a well known and proven anti-estrogenic ingredient.

Recommended dosage level with a minimum of 50 mg

Selenium not only has been linked to elevated T levels, but it also has been shown to increase sperm motility, volume, and quality (study). Sperm quality is often linked to T levels, and men who have the highest testosterone levels also tend to have the highest sperm count.

Recommended dosage level with a minimum of 30 mcg

Magnesium controls over 300 different functions of the body. It gives energy to cells, improves sleep quality, activates creatine, maintains fluid balance and best of all, it increases free testosterone (study).

Recommended dosage level with a minimum of 100 mg

The reason oyster extract is included is because oysters are extremely high in zinc, and we already know that zinc is a proven testosterone booster, and zinc has also been shown to be one of the strongest natural and best aromatase inhibitors.

Recommended dosage level with a minimum of 50 mg

This ingredient goes by a couple of other names as well. It also is known as Longjack or Eurycoma Longifolia. Tongkat Ali has been shown to increase testosterone levels in men who have Low T and moderate to high stress levels (high chronic cortisol).

Recommended dosage level with a minimum of 150 mg

These are our Top 3 Recommendations and they have rated the highest out of all the testosterone boosters we have analyzed and reviewed to date using our 5 Key Rating Factors.

These three test boosters have separated and distinguished themselves from all the other testosterone boosters on the market with the most amount of proven ingredients and the most powerful and potent dosage levels. ​You can expect to get real and meaningful results from these three boosters!

best testosterone boosters
Best Testosterone Booster For Middle Age And Up

prime male best testosterone booster

Testofuel Bottle - read the full testofuel review - bulkingtime.com

Testogen review - Image of the Testosterone supplement Testogen - bulkingtime.com

awesome review verdict

In addition to our Top 3 Recommendations, we have also included summaries & reviews of some of the most popular testosterone boosters so you can see how we have rated them and how they stack up to this year's best of the best.

Testomax - Testosterone Booster from Crazy Bulk

good review verdict

nugenix reviews

average review verdict

p6 extreme test booster

below average review verdict

andro 400 review

poor review verdict

ageless male review

test x180 ignite review

shredz test max review

How To Dramatically Accelerate Boosting Your Testosterone With Even More Measurable Results

Guys, one consistent message I've tried to drive home in all the information provided on our site about increasing your testosterone is that if you want the best possible results you can possibly hope to achieve, then you need to attack the problem of low testosterone from as many different angles as possible.

It's just common sense that if you're doing one thing to increase testosterone and nine things that actually lower your testosterone, then the one positive thing you're doing is only going to produce fractional or incremental results at best.

Likewise, if you're actively​ trying to reduce the number of things that could possibly be lowering your testosterone levels and increasing the number of the things that could increase your testosterone levels, any positive thing you do is going to have a greater positive effect.

So, with that in mind, if you want to get even MORE TESTOSTERONE BOOSTING POWER and EFFECT from your testosterone booster, arm yourself with the knowledge of proven ways to increase your testosterone naturally and also the different ways that are killing your testosterone levels that you might not even know about.

Once you have the knowledge, then you need to take action because knowledge without action is just knowledge. The real power and change happens once you apply action to knowledge.

With that in mind, do yourselves a big favor and download our FREE TESTOSTERONE BOOSTING GUIDE below. It's ​completely FREE, and it can absolutely accelerate and increase your overall testosterone boosting results!

Original article and pictures take https://bulkingtime.com/testosterone/best-testosterone-boosters/ site

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