Queen of Quads Trip this HIIT jump rope routine for a great cardio workout! Anyone up for a core challenge? because we all need to stop hating our own bodies. pointing at your stomach and saying “gross” won’t make you drop 10 pounds. girlgrowingsmall I told my trainer this. #personaltrainer #personaltraining #therapy #workout #coach #counselor friend
1. Sit with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Grasp your legs under your thighs, slightly above your knees.
2. Lean back slightly. Lift your feet off the floor so that your shins are parallel to the floor. Press the sides of your feet together.
3. Extend your arms straight out in front of your at shoulder height, with palms facing up.
4. Straighten and raise your legs toward the ceiling until your body forms a V shape.
Rock roll push-up
2. Draw your right knee up, bringing your kneecap toward your nose.
3. Draw your right thigh up toward the midline of your body.
4. Point the toes of your right foot, and squeeze your raised right leg into your body.
5. Repeat on the opposite side.
Reverse Plank
1. Begin in seated staff.
2. Press down into your hands. Lift your legs and hips off the floor.
3. Bring the soles of your feet toward the floor so your ankles, hips, and shoulders make a straight, diagonal line.
4. Allow your head to drop back slightly so your chin points toward the ceiling.
Low Lunge
1. From downward-facing dog, step your right foot forward between your hands, aligning your knee over your heel.
2. Lower your left knee towards, but not touching, the floor.
3. Raise your torso and lift your arms overhead, drawing your shoulder blades down your back.
4. Repeat on opposite side.
1. Lie belly down, toes and forehead pressing gently into the floor.
2. Place your palms next to your body along the sides of your chest, with your elbows bent and your fingers pointing straight ahead.
3. Press down into your palms, curling your shoulders and chest off the floor.
Stairs can be used for effective cardio AND lower body work. You can also use them for V-sits (ab work), more difficult planks & pushups (put your feet on them), tricep dips and a million other exercises. Be creative!
Other D.I.Y. workout tools?
Kitchen Counter: Great for ‘power’ pushups. Push yourself off in a plyometric fashion, and catch yourself before lowering. Great way to improve your pushups on the floor!
Chairs: The possibilities are endless! Step Ups, leg lifts, crunches, russian twists, elevated hip raises, mountain climbers (put your feet on the chair), box jumps etc.
Socks/Towels: SLIDE & GLIDE! One leg squats, lateral skaters (remember skating with your socks as a kid?), mountain gliders (glide your socks forward and back in plank), Star Planks (in plank position, widen and narrow your feet in a sliding motion). Place them under your hands to use for sliding pushups!
Your BED! The soft surface and bounce makes some moves more fun (and challenging). Try your normal floor routine on your bed, and use pillows for elevation, support and instability.
Mirrors: Check your form! And… check yourself out. Werk.
The Wall: A sneaky tool! Try climbing up with your feet (from plank position), squat holds (back on wall), pushups, or use it for balance for your one-legged booty work.
You’re only limited by your imagination! Play, have fun and use what you’ve got!
(via healthyfitstrong-deactivated201) I apologize if I’m not the first person to post this — I saw it on a friends FB wall and had to share. #pushup #exercise #fitness #workout (via fitisthenewblack-deactivated201) You don’t get a booty like this sitting on it!!! Gonna go workouttt <3 Train hard tumblr babes =)
If you are not seeing a change on the scale or in the mirror, despite eating healthy and exercising, you could very well be OFF with your portion sizes!! Portion size is CRITICAL!! I HIGHLY recommend purchasing a food scale (they sell them cheap at Wal Mart) and measuring cups (also very cheap). Measure up all your food, DO NOT EYEBALL IT… more often than not, people overestimate the amount they need and underestimate the calories in what they’re eating! Lastly, when measuring fats especially.. by a “Tablespoon” of peanut butter, they mean LEVEL NOT HEAPING!!! Fats have 9 calories to a gram compared with protein and carbs which only have 4. So measure measure measure! <3
SQUAT HOLD | WORKS GLUTES, QUADS & HAMSTRINGS. keep your chest upright, and drive your weight through your heels. hold the squat down for 10-15 seconds.
To be done for 1 minute or 30 seconds
Hollow hold arms downMermaid arms in frontMermaid arms behindSide hollow hold L & R sidesSide elbow hold L & R sidesSide arm hold arms straight L & R sidesSide arm hold 1 arm straight 1 arm bent L & R sidesFront supportRear support Front elbow support Rear elbow support (via healthyfitstrong-deactivated201)
Feminist. Socalist. Intovert. Social Butterfly. A geek and a foodie having a long time affair with fitness. Tell me what to binge-watch and I'll love you forever.
Ramp up your usual plank by increasing your workload and extending one hand out in front of you, keeping it parallel with the ground. After your set time, switch to extend the other hand. (via, #gif #body #working out #workout (via pictureperfectbodywerkit-deacti) #health #motivation #nutrition #abs #six packs #gym #workout #fit #fitpo (via winterlilacs)
The gym might look like a nice easy-going facility that promotes health and fitness, but it’s really a battlefield that’s going on in here (yes, point at your own heart). You need to team up with a work out partner that will help you get through each session without incurring any…
SO funny. I’m an 11 …but I want to be a 5.
#tips #workout #exercise #running #lose weight
Belly roll: stretch legs and arms out. Exhale and slowly roll up and touch your toes, similar to a sit-up, but a little more gentle. Do 15 of these to get your blood flowing.
Bicycles: On your back with your legs bent and your arms behind your head, bring your opposite elbow up to your opposite knee. Like a sit-up but you are criss-crossing your sit-up so you can work different parts of your ab muscles. Don’t strain your neck. Do 25 reps.
Cross Leg Crunch: Cross your foot over your knee, open knees up wide, put hands behind your head and slowly crunch up so your elbow gets as close to your opposite knee as possible. You don’t need to strain, just feel the stretch and come up as far as you can. Exhale with each crunch up. Remember to engage your abs and not your neck.
Side Sit-up: Lay flat on your back, arms behind your head, bend your legs at the knees and twist at the hips so that both legs are on the left side of you. Slowly crunch up. You may not be able to go too far, just come up enough to get your shoulder blades off the bed. Don’t pull on your neck, use as much strength as you can from your abdominal muscles. Do 25 reps on each side.
Roundhouse Kicks: bring one leg straight up in the air, and rotate it clockwise. Stretch your leg out to go as far down and wide as possible. Do 15 reps on each leg.
Plank Lift: Laying on your stomach, bring your body up to a plank on your elbows. Keep your legs straight without touching your knees to the bed. Lift your butt up into the air while your head comes down between your shoulders. Repeat 15 times.
You’ve just done a load of laundry a day or two after your last workout, you pull out your ‘freshly laundered’ sports bra and head out the the gym. 10 minutes into your workout, you’re thinking ‘god, someone smells’. It’s another 10 minutes before you realize that the stinky person is YOU.
But you just washed your bra, right? How can it already smell like 2 weeks worth of workouts already?
If this has happened to you (or to prevent it from EVER happening), use these awesome tips.
If your clothes are drenched in sweat post-workout, wash them immediately after wearing them. If you don’t have a washing machine nearby, hand wash them. This is the best way to stop stains and smells from setting.
If you want to wash your clothes later, hang them up to dry instead of tossing them in your laundry hamper. Bunched up, wet clothes can harbor stinky mildew spores that are tough to get rid of in one wash.
Soak your stinky or soiled items in one part vinegar to four parts water for 30 minutes to disinfect and loosen stains before putting clothes in the washing machine. Be careful not to mix vinegar with bleach. If your detergent has bleach, simply rinse the clothes in fresh water before putting them in the washing machine.
Wash clothes in the hottest water the garment can stand with half-part baking soda and half-part detergent to kill odor-causing bacteria and remove soap scum and stains.
Try washing your clothes with a detergent designed to treat fitness and sport clothing, like Tide plus Febreze Freshness Sport.
If your clothes can take it, dry on the hottest setting of your dryer. As an alternative, hang wet garments outside in direct sunlight to kill any remaining bacteria.
If all else fails, it might be time for you to toss those items out and buy something new.
What do you do to get the stink and stains out of your gym clothes?
#fitspo #nike #ab #body #strong #fit #health #fitness #workout #six pack #muscle #tan #tone #strong 5 years ago on July 28, 2011 at 09:46am healthyequalshappy (via t-h-i-n-s-p-i-r-a-t-i-0-n-blog) Slim ‘n Sexy Summer Arms (Printable Workout)
1. Tricep Dip in Reverse Plank x20
Get up onto your palms and heels and lift your butt off the mat, hips in line, pelvis up. Bend your elbows back as you touch your booty to the floor. Then straighten out again. MODIFICATION: Bring your heels closer to the body and bend your knees like you’re a coffee table.
2. Chest Press Pulses x30
Keeping your elbows together, simply pulse up! You will soooooooo feel this one in your chest without even try! One of my favorite moves in the world.
3. Pushup x10
You can do this on your knees or toes. Make sure you keep your eyes forward. DO NOT look underneath you!
4. Cobra Pushup x10
Begin in plank. Pretend there is a limbo pole right in front of you head. Slither your head underneath it…followed by your back, your butt, and your legs before you gull push up. MODIFICATION: Make the limbo stick higher :) If you’re having trouble, see my video on Advanced Pushup Variations.
5. Inverse Shoulder Press (Pushup) x10
Get into downward dog. Then scoot your hands closer to your legs. Look back at the toes. Now do a pushup and touch the top of your head to the mat. See demonstration video here. MODIFICATION: Don’t bring your hands so close to your feet.
6. One-Legged Cobra Pushup x10
Same as cobra pushup but one leg up! Do 10 on each side.
If you have any questions about the different types of pushups and how they look, please see my video on Advanced Pushup Variations.
Print, share, and sweat!
<3 Cassey
PS…Oops, Did I say “pushup” too many times in this workout :P
Jungle Squat: Start out in a basic squat position, making sure your knees are not extending beyond your toes and with weight distributed evenly on your heels. Pivot to the right 90 degrees on left foot while maintaining the squat position. Pivot back to starting point, staying in squat position and then pivot to the left 90 degrees on right foot. Pivot back to starting point and come out of squat position. While standing up, do not lock your knees. This isone Jungle Squat; repeat for one minute.
Reverse V Lunges: Starting from the standing position, lunge backward at a 45-degree angle to the right, making sure your left knee does not extend over your foot. Explode from that lunge position back to the standing position. With only enough time to regain balance, lunge right back down, on the left side, going backward in another 45-degree angle. Explode back from lunge to standing postion to complete one repetition; repeat for one minute.
Cardio - Lateral Jumps: Starting from the standing position with feet a little wider than shoulder-width, squat down and touch the floor. Explode into a lateral jump moving to the right. As you jump, reach your hands above yourself. Land with legs apart and go right into the squat position again, squatting down and touching the floor. Explode back up jumping to the left and landing softly again. Repeat for two minutes.
Abs - Inch Worms: Starting from plank position like you are going to do a pushup, walk your feet towards your hands in baby steps. Once you get to the point when you have to start bending your legs, start walking your hands forward in baby steps until you are back in the plank position. Repeat for one minute.
*Tip: Always keep your core tight and stay hydrated.
Elbow-to-knee Crunches Bring left elbow to right knee, extend. Repeat 10x. Then do right elbow to left knee. 3 sets of 10. 1. Pole dancing Original article and pictures take http://teenytinythighs.tumblr.com/tagged/workout site
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